Schertz Humane Society
Be The One To Make The Difference
  • 210.619.1980
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Foster Application

    Foster care for a rescue dog or cat can last as long as 6 months. Are you able to make that commitment?

    Information About Your Household

    First Name:*

    Last Name:*

    Birthdate (mm/dd/yyyy):*

    Home Address:*

    City, State, Zip:*

    Cell Phone:*

    Alternate Phone:

    Email:* (Please verify accuracy)

    Emergency Contact Name:

    Emergency Contact Phone:

    Pet Information

    Do you currently have any pets in your home?*

    Pet 1 Name:



    Pet 2 Name:



    Pet 3 Name:



    Pet 4 Name:



    More than 4 pets? (If yes, complete info in comments section at end of app.)

    Are all pets spayed or neutered?

    If no, which pets, and reason?

    Are all your pets up to date on vaccines?

    If no, which pets, and reason?

    Veterinarian Name:

    Veterinarian Phone:

    Home Information

    Do you give permission for a Homes for Pets representative to visit your home?

    If renting, Landlord Name:

    Landlord Phone:

    Select type of home:

    Do you have a fenced yard?


    We are always in need of foster homes for unweaned kittens that need bottle-feeding every couple hours. We will provide training.

    Have you fostered a pet before?

    What do you want to foster?*:

    Are there any restrictions on the types of pets you can foster?*:

    Where will foster dog be kept when you are home? (check all that apply):

    Where will foster dog be kept when you are NOT at home? (check all that apply):

    Where will foster cat be kept in the home? (check all that apply):

    Preferred Foster Duration (check all that apply):

    Are you ready to foster now, or in the very near future?

    Can you provide the following for your foster? (check all that apply)

    How did you hear about fostering for Homes For Pets?

    Additional comments that we should know about you or your home:


    Please list two references (not living with you):








    I am submitting an application to foster pets through Homes For Pets/Schertz Humane Society and that my application may be denied. If my application is approved, I agree to the following terms and conditions:

    1. I agree that any pet(s) fostered by me through Homes For Pets/Schertz Humane Society are the sole property of Homes For Pets/Schertz Humane Society.

    2. I agree to return my foster animal(s) to Homes For Pets/Schertz Humane Society if I am requested to do so, within 24 hours of the time of the request.

    3. I agree that all foster pet intakes must be approved by Homes For Pets/Schertz Humane Society.

    4. In becoming a foster volunteer, I agree to abide by all foster care policies, and all adoption policies.

    5. I agree that Homes for Pet/Schertz Humane Society must approve all adoption applications, and I will not promise anyone that they can adopt my foster animal(s).

    6. I agree to take my foster pet(s) to adoption events, unless medically or behaviorally exempted by Homes For Pets/Schertz Humane Society.

    7. If I am considering adopting my foster pet(s), I agree to complete an adoption application and pay the adoption fee. I agree to decide whether or not I want to adopt before I introduce a pet to a potential adopter.

    8. I agree that if I cannot continue being a foster caregiver for ANY reason, I will not give away, abandon, sell, or euthanize the pet(s) in my care. I will contact or call (210) 619-1980 for arrangements to be made to move the pet(s) into other foster homes within our foster care program. I agree that this may not be immediate and that it takes time to find a new foster home. I will continue to care for my foster pet until a new home is found.

    9. I agree that Homes For Pets/Schertz Humane Society will be responsible for any medical expenses that may occur while the pet is in my care, so long as those expenses were approved by Homes For Pets/Schertz Humane Society prior to the veterinary visit. If a veterinary visit is necessary, I will contact Homes For Pets/Schertz Humane Society to make the necessary arrangements for my foster pet(s). I will NOT take my foster pet to a veterinarian on my own without authorization from Homes For Pets/Schertz Humane Society. Homes For Pets/Schertz Humane Society will not reimburse me for unauthorized veterinary expenses.

    10. I agree that rescue animals come with a lot of “baggage” and may have separation anxiety, may need to learn how to behave in a house environment and to bond with me and my other pets. I agree to work with my foster pet(s) to overcome any behavioral challenges that may create difficulty in finding an adoptive home. I agree not to physically discipline (through spanking, hitting, alpha-rolling, or other physically violent methods) my foster pet(s).

    11. I agree to contact Homes For Pets/Schertz Humane Society at and/or 210-619-1980 if my foster pet(s) needs professional training assistance. Homes For Pets/Schertz Humane Society will make the necessary arrangements for my foster pet(s) to receive training services, and this may be in my home or at a training facility as judged appropriate by Homes For Pets/Schertz Humane Society. Homes For Pets/Schertz Humane Society will not reimburse me for unauthorized pet training services.

    By submitting this application, I agree to the above terms. I attest that the information provided is accurate and complete. I understand that providing false information can result in my application being rejected and that my participation in the foster program will be terminated. Noncompliance with the terms of this agreement will result in termination of my participation in the foster program.

    I agree to the terms above*

    Submit Your Application

    Please look over your answers above, then press the “Send” button below to email your information to Homes for Pets/Schertz Humane Society. We appreciate your time and effort in completing this application and in your interest in providing foster care.



    Enter your email address...
    Can't Adopt? Find Out How To Foster!
    Schertz Humane Society

    Homes for Pets (the Schertz Humane Society) serves the Schertz, Texas and surrounding San Antonio areas.



    1400 Schertz Pkwy, Bldg 3, Schertz, TX 78154

    Mailing Address:

    P.O. Box 605, Schertz, TX 78154

    (No Animals kept in office)


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